Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What does Real Togetherness means to you?

In a technology driven world that we live in, everything has become more digital. As a result, human relations and interactions took a bad beat. 

Smartphones have clearly dominated the mankind giving no time for people to interact in person. Now-a-days, people are being good at conversing via chat over a face-to-face conversation and that's how the real trouble starts. 

Generations of this time clearly had no idea of what togetherness means. Investigating them on togetherness will give you results like 'A group conversation on WhatsApp" clearly sums up the whole concept of togetherness is what you are more likely to hear. 

In short, there are two different worlds out there. One has the comfort of technology in it. And the other has more and much of humanity values and togetherness that will leave you with memories for a life time. 

When given an opportunity to speak out on what it takes to bring people together in doing something that will not only help them but also sends a strong message to generations to come. 

We have now had a really pathetic climatic conditions. During summers, it's getting more and more difficult for people to find a place where they can relax from the sun. With countless number of trees coming down due to industrial benefits, we will have to ensure that a new set of plantations needs to take place for the next generation. Global warming isn't the thing we wanted. Isn't it? 

People from their respective colonies have to come forward and take the initiative. This collective initiation will surely bring a lot of joy within the people and grows new bonds. 

Similarly, working for a better surroundings can also contribute greatly to the concept of togetherness. I recently came across a bunch of change makers who took the responsibility of cleaning the city with no publicity. They remained anonymous throughout the process and never wanted to face the media. That's for a good cause. It's not just a single man's effort. But, its a great team effort. Togetherness can create wonders. 

Also, it's high time for people to understand and realize the importance of human relations, and celebrate togetherness more often in the real-time world. Limiting the usage of smartphones for sure will teach you great lessons of life. 

Let's implement the activity of limiting the smartphone usage and become more human so that we will not miss the human emotions and relations that we once had which is slowly losing its place in real-time. At least, this will help the next generations to know and understand the importance of togetherness and what it can do for a healthy and better standards of living. 

Are you ready to take up the initiative? If yes, let me know what real togetherness means to you? 

This video is just mind-blowing: 

Let's get started, today !